Maroon 5 - Moves Like Jagger ft. Christina Aguilera
  • Mont des arts
  • 06:00 am - 21:00 am

event location

Bringing theater to the street and the street to the theater

The 13th edition marks a new turning point for the Detours Festival: The doors of the National Theater are now open to urban arts... our motto "Bringing theater to the street and the street to the theater" becomes tangible with the Urban Dance Caravan, full stop culmination of the festival.

We will literally invite the street to the theatre, during an ambulatory show, bringing together Belgian, Moroccan and Congolese artists along the pedestrian area from Place Fontainas to the large stage of the National Theater, where the grand finale of the Detours Cyphers will take place.

The Detours Cyphers of Liège (Parc de la Boverie) and Lille (le FLOW) will also be an opportunity to present Wha7ch, a collaboration with young Moroccan artists who magnify the codes of hip hop dance with a tinged physicality of traditional dance. Another highlight was the premiere of “La Cage” (Faraja Batumike) at the Raffinerie / Charleroi Danse, a solo mixing dance and words, which teaches us that only determination can get us out of our cage.

We will, of course, continue to support emerging creations with the “Work in Progress” section, which brings together more and more artists and international collaborations (Théâtre de Suresnes, le Flow) to develop the works presented. Detours, the festival whose you are the main actor! ! visit their site here

6 days ago